Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Marketplace Dreams

When you look around you always think, or at least I do, how can I do that better than they do? A lot of times I come up with great ideas and then with a little research I find it is already in production.  One of the great ones I had was a bathtub.  I hate that bath water never stays hot and that is why I only take showers.  Then I thought if you could heat the bath tub using radiant heat you could keep the water warm and you won't get electrocuted.  I researched it and found that someone had just invented it and HGTV was putting the first one in a house they were remodeling.  Some of my other ideas have been a brokerage car buying service where I would negotiate the deal for you and take a percentage of the savings.  Another one would be an entrepreneurship club where people get together to share ideas and help improve on other people's ideas.  Another idea I had was a one stop shop for all of your financial services.  This one would take a lot of time, preparation, and specialty.  I feel as though in the financial service arena there are a lot of conflicts of interest.  For example, an insurance salesman or a stock broker can also be a certified financial planner.  To me these are two different concepts.  A financial planner should give you a fee-based financial plan that has your best interest at heart because the "sale" was made when you decided to initiate a financial plan.  In most cases the way it works is the insurance broker or stock broker provides the financial plan for free in return for you investing with them or purchasing a life insurance policy.  To me these should be separate and I would like to have a practice with a certified financial planner, an attorney, an accountant, an insurance agent and a stock broker.  This way it enables a person to have a one stop shop for all of your professional and financial services without the conflicts of interest.   

Bryan Lawlor

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