Sunday, May 3, 2009

What Have I Learned About Myself As An Entrepreneur

I have learned a lot more about myself as an entrepreneur through this course.  When I started this course I had just closed the doors at Express Motors, which was a bittersweet experience.  I was running a very profitable business and because of a lease renewal increase (double what I was previously paying) and not having another property to move to I closed the doors.  On one hand it was hard to do and on the other hand I knew it was the best timing in the world because the largest and deepest recession since the Great Depression was just getting into full swing.  So needless to say, when I started this class I was in a weird place in my life because I felt like I was starting over and going back to work for someone else was very hard.  I still owned a lawn care business, but it just was not the same as the dealership and I was looking at selling the business in the spring.  Needless to say this course has sparked my entrepreneurial spirit all over again and I am working on starting another business and I am currently growing my lawn care business.  I have hired a full time employee for the lawn care and I am looking at using its strong balance sheet to finance my new venture.  The way I look at Express Motors closing is no longer a failure, but a success.  I gained a lot of knowledge and I know exactly what I will do different this time.  The greatest success of closing Express Motors is that I preserved my excellent credit and all of my capital investment.  I even managed to come out ahead after the closing of the business. I now look at my past experiences as cinder blocks in my foundation and now I am going to start the frame work to something more fulfilling and successful.

Bryan Lawlor

1 comment:

  1. Bryan, You are so wonderful. I think you will be very successful as an entrepreneur. You have the right spirit. It was good getting to know you.
    Dr J.
